Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 40 books, including the novels Funerals for Horses, Pay It Forward, Electric God, and Walter’s Purple Heart. The bestselling Pay It Forward was adapted for the screen and translated into 23 languages for distribution in over 30 countries. More than 45 of her short stories have been published in literary journals such as The Antioch Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Ploughshares, and Glimmer Train, cited in Best American Short Stories, and reprinted in anthologies such as Dog Is My Copilot (Crown 2003).
Catherine is founder and past president of the Pay It Forward Foundation, an educational foundation to inspire young students to believe they can change the world. A popular speaker, she has presented at the National Conference on Education and Cornell University. She shared a dais with former president Bill Clinton for three speeches and she was invited to the White House for the movie screening of Pay It Forward.
Since the success of Pay It Forward, Catherine has published more than 24 additional novels and many more short stories, including major young adult works such as The Year of My Miraculous Reappearance, Becoming Chloe, and the LGBT / young adult novel Jumpstart the World.
Interviewed by Winn Claybaugh, Catherine talked about her life, her books, and so much more!
Website: https://www.catherineryanhyde.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cryanhyde